mardi 5 juillet 2011

Once upon a photoshoot(ssssss)

Photo taken by Bethany

I love photo shoots. I love friends. I love crazy friends.

Photo shoots are fun.

Photo shoot of a pretty little girl. A lot of fun.

Sparklers are fire octopuses that pop on a stick.

And painting with watercolor is fun too. 
I've had a lot a fun, passing one week with my friends. (This is where the blog gets hacked by a nasty friend trying to use a french keyboard!! *mohahaha*

Marieanne and Bethany

7 commentaires:

Shelley a dit…

Just came from Bethany's blog, nice post and photo shoot Marieanne! :)

Marianela a dit…

Beautiful pictures! :) They're really good!

Kara a dit…

Great job, girls! :)

Marieanne, the pictures of Sarah and the teacup etc. with that scene. Beautiful!

hope lewellen a dit…

Votre blog est tout simplement incroyable. J'aime vos dessins, vos photos. J'ai regardé, mais jamais commenté ou suivie. Maintenant, je vais faire les deux! Continuez votre excellent travail.

Acacia a dit…

I just found your blog and absolutely LOVE it! Are you really French -- or do you just do your posts in French?

Ani a dit…

Hahah, c'est super beau! Love the fireworks! :)

Ani xx

Kianna Rose a dit…

Hi I just came across your blog... Those pictures are lovely.

Kianna Rose